aging hippy

By aginghippy

Day 7 the outage continues

Well another day and not much new to report.
Sorry today's update is a tad late but I am doing duty at Schooley's Mountain Fire and Rescue.

So today started with a trip to the gym. Short workout and much longer shower then up the road to the Rescue Center.

Oh yes, breakfast .... scrambled eggs with peanut butter and jelly.

Margaret has 3 large pots going on the gas hob. Our grannies would have been proud of us. 1 is a soup pot , 1 is for stew both being filled as the remainder of the food melts. This with rice, tatties and pasta will keep us going for a few weeks !!!

Water is being brought in from SMF&R and boiled in the other pot as and when needed......

Margaret has knitted me a great woolly hat and is now started on the matching scarf.

Our local mayor is going crazy with unbelievably rash statements. Currently Long Valley has only 9% with power and the mayor says 65% by this evening !! This is of course impossible which brings me neatly to todays political and social commentary that I know you are all looking forward to with bated breath.

George Washington " I cannot tell a lie "

Richard Millhouse Nixon " I cannot tell the truth "

Long Valley Mayor " I cannot tell the difference "

William Jefferson Clinton " The truth is merely a concept and is therefore subject to interpretation and modification where appropriate " e.g. " I did not have sexual relations with that woman "

The crew here at the Community Emergency and Response Team are brilliant and a very special thanks to Paul from Hackettstown who brought in a huge tray of cupcakes, brownies and cookies ... still warm from the oven and made by his young daughter.

Another lady and her son Daniel brought in bottled water, tinned food and sweeties !!

Well that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It's truly appreciated and I read them all out to the folks here in the Center. It does cheer them up. So if you know anyone fellow blippers that would like to add a comment, preferably humorous we would all love to hear from you.

Apologies for not being able to get back to you individually at the moment, but I'm sure that you understand !!

So until tomorrow, kind blippers, I leave you in good cheer.....


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