aging hippy

By aginghippy

Day 8 .... no sign of the beginning of the end

Well another day gone by but the song remains the same .... Altogether now 'No power, no heat, no light and another 7 days
Another 7 days and no heat, no light and no power'

This 7 days business is getting annoying as each day all we get told is 'another 7 days'. Amazing here we are in 2011 and they can't get the power back on. If I recall , a few thousand years ago, someone actually created this Earth in less time than that.

There were lines at the Recycling center so that we could dispose of wasted food from the defrosted fridges and freezers. Tempers were beginning to get a tad frayed, more from lack of information and from disinformation rather than the discomfort that we are all facing.

Freezer is now empty but the soup pot and stock pot are going strong.
Will blip the beanie hat Margaret has knitted for me as soon as the scarf is finished so that you can see the full matching ensemble.

Today's blip is one of our permanent residents here at the Center since Tuesday morning. This elegant lady is Veronica but if I call her that I get my knuckles well and truly rapped. "My name is Ronni and if you dare tell those blip friends of yours that I am 87 years of age I'll be very upset."

She is so much fun and considering that a trees crushed her car and her basement is flooded and her front door blocked by 3 massive fallen trees ( the firemen had to lift Ronni out through the kitchen window, but she says that was good fun ! ) her sheer joy of life is truly uplifting for all who come in contact with her.

The days are getting cold and the nights are getting colder. Today's high is about 5°Celcius and tonight about minus 5°Celcius. And just to add to the merriment of the week a Nor'Easter is expected Wednesday which will be accompanied by 50 mph winds and either 3 inches of rain or 6 inches of snow. Nor'easters normally mean downed power lines and electricity outages. HAHA we've beat the weather by at least 10 days as we have no electricity and no power lines.

Keep the good wishes coming please as we get great enjoyment reading them out and knowing that someone is sharing their thoughts with us.

Until the morrow gentle blippers,
I remain,
Yours affectionately


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