Learning day by day

By EmmaF

James Mayhew and the Nutcracker

Lazy morning and a lovely long lie in thanks to Daddy. After lunch C and I headed to Hatfield to watch James Mayhew tell the story of and illustrate the Nutcracker to the sound of the de Havilland Philharmonic. It was excellent, he was amazing, illustrating in time to the music. We were really unlucky in the raffle to win one of the illustrations. Two of the six were won by the strip of tickets either side of ours. How cool would that have been?

Anyway C bought Ella Bella and the Nutcracker with her never ending birthday money, and then stood in the queue to get it signed. The photo I took of C and Mr Mayhew was meant to be my blip but her moved at the last moment and it is blurred.

So back to school tomorrow for 7weeks of madness before Christmas. There is a lot to pack into those seven weeks I can tell you.

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