Learning day by day

By EmmaF


I'm biased but hey! Back to school/goslings this morning went well. Carys to school, W and I to supervision, back for lunch quickly then on to Goslings and the Breastfeeding drop-in. The drop in was heaving I think we had ten Mums, more than we could accomodate in the room we had so we split over into the main entrance room. Unheard of since I have been volunteering, but good that Mum's are coming for non-judgemental support and help and hopefully going away empowered to make decisions that are right for them and their family.

After pick up and homework this is the patient being injected by Dr William, having had her blood pressure taken. She was doing very well in the patience states if not on the patient state.

Off to wrap up a shoe box to fill with goodies for Operation Smile. Wrapping the box was the tricky part last year so it may take some time...

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