Life through the lens...

By ValC


The first foxglove has started to open today.
I love the way they entice bees . All those spots and tiny hairs.
However I haven’t seen a bee near it yet. They are all on the cotoneaster flowers.

Another warm and muggy day. Up to 29C!
Mainly sunny, but it keeps looking as if it is building up for a storm, and then next minute they sky has cleared again.

After the usual shopping this morning, we have been hacking at the ivy on the fence.
Totally got out of hand, and we are having trouble shutting the gate.
One trip to the tip by Mr C already, where he met a couple of friends, who had also been tackling their gardens today.
Now refilled three bags again, but have decided to call it a day for now.

Having a rest before cooking a chicken casserole for tea.

Hoping for good weather tomorrow as my sister is having a party for her 70th birthday.
Will be nice to see a few of her friends we haven’t seen for ages.

The starlings are going made at the moment.
Have decided to abandon the lawn and today have been attacking the bird feeders.
Have devoured 6 fat balls since breakfast.
They won’t be getting any more!

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