
By Kaysha

Off the beaten track

Little D slept all night, not a peep out of him, and was bright and breezy this morning so we decided to stick with the plan - which was having the kids go to Grandma and Grandad's overnight. They had plans to take the kids to a puppet theatre which Miss A was very excited about and we had plans to paint doors and, ahem, do VAT returns, which we weren't quite so excited about.

Kids dropped off, I meandered back to Edinburgh via Loch Leven. The temperature was barely above zero but the sun was shining and it was a beautiful time to enjoy the scenery and the silence. Just bliss.

Rob and I wondered what to do with our evening and decided to conserve energy and watch a dvd in front of the fire, glass of wine in hand. It was an improvement on our last date night, we actually managed to put a dvd in the dvd player this time - unfortunately the dvd was crap and we both fell asleep! Hey ho, maybe next time we'll actually do something exciting and head out for the night. I hear the bowling club down the road is jumping on a Saturday night...

Waaaay behind on everybody's blips, so sorry. Normal service will hopefully resume soon!

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