The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

One Plus One

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today I went to the Mathematical Challenge prize giving ceremony at Heriot Watt University. The Mathematical Challenge is a problem solving competition for school children which Youngest Mini Princess had chosen to enter, and had achieved the silver award.

I will admit to having a bit of a giggle to myself when I walked into the auditorium. It was like being at a nerd convention*. Heriot Watt was where I studied (maths). I felt right at home (except for the fact I was sober and had actually turned up).

There was a speaker who talked enthusiastically about the the magic of square numbers. He pitched it perfectly and the whole audience was really engaged. It’s easy to listen when that passion and interest comes across so well.

Youngest Mini Princess LOVES maths but this competition is hard. I mean really hard. I was stumped by some of the questions when I first looked at them. I am incredibly proud of her, not only because she did so well, but also because she chose to put herself forward for this in the first place. She is very driven. I like watching her fly.


*I did play a game of ‘spot the normal person’

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