Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Rockslide Checkerspot Butterfly

On our morning walk it almost felt like this butterfly was teasing me.  It flew along near us for quite a ways only perching (do butterflies perch?) for seconds at a time.  Then it finally landed and stayed long enough for a few shots.  I'm pretty sure about the ID.  I found it in my book and confirmed it with more photos online.  So I guess I can add it to my list. :-)

The day started out beautifully with blue sky and bright sunshine but soon the wind picked up and the clouds rolled in.  We decided to postpone our scenery drive for a nicer (more photogenic) day.  Pipersdad helped Rick (our camphost) clean up the campsites after the weekenders left while I spent the afternoon reading in my outdoor recliner.  We got a little rain so I came inside to make dinner and decided I didn't feel like going back out for a campfire tonight.  It's chilly and damp out there and I'm cozy and warm in here.  So we're going to put on some music and play some games and go to bed early.  Since we got the memory foam topper for our mattress this year, I can't wait to go to bed, it's so comfortable! 

I'm going to try to remember to add my extra of Piper and her dad that I forgot yesterday...

I am grateful for all your comments while I am unable to reciprocate but I appreciate it too, if you just leave a star!  I'll try to keep up with my visits and star sprinklings and comment when I can while I'm away from home.

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