
Morning nursery then we had a couple of hours to kill. It was a bit chilly so we didn't fancy the park, so I suggested the soft play at Brewer's Fayre. CyclopsJnr was very excited. Two buses to get there... and the soft play was closed for maintenance. No! Disaster! CyclopsJnr was devastated. Howling and crying. And we were in the middle of nowhere. Got another bus quick quick to Ocean T and calculated we could have 50 mins in the soft play there if we got a cab back. Phew. Crisis averted.

Arrived back on time. Phew again.

It was CyclopsJnr's visit to his classroom for next year. Being English I'm very aware he'd be off to school this time if we lived there, but we've another year of nursery. I think that's a good thing.

His new class is bigger, it will be 30 kids / 4 teachers. About a third new kids, a third kids staying in the same class for a second year, and a third (like CyclopsJnr) coming up from a junior class. 

We spent an hour in the new classroom with the new class, well actually mostly outside in the class play area which is MASSIVE. CyclopsJnr stuck with his old pals. For now!

He was super tired after. We watched a load of Lego Ninjago and tinkered about with his pseudo meccano motorbike.

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