No photo

I'm sorry about this, I really am.

This is the only 'photo' I took, today; a screen grab from my phone that I thought I'd send to my daughter Hannah - good/wicked sense of humour - but then thought was maybe a bit much. 



I had a great day, today. A leisurely wake up, running Dan to work for ten o'clock, and then a loooong drive down to the Minx, newly returned from holiday, which took three hours due to an incident on the M6 somewhere.

I did a bit of work when I arrived in Chorley, we went to the David Lloyd Centre and had a swim, and then we went to dinner at Tapas Estaban. Lord, it was warm when we walked into town but then, as we sat at our table and started our drinks, the rain began to fall in a tropical style; a few large splashes and then a steady downpour, which took the edge off the heat but no more. 

It was a wonderful day but not once did I reach for my camera. 

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Reading: 'The Underground Railroad'

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