
By Houseonahill6

From the other side

An overcast and much cooler start to the day with the sun coming out later as we headed to Inverness.
I was inside and noticed the pine marten dash across the field so grabbed the camera and went outside. I could roughly tell where he was as the crows were not very happy and were following him/her down the Burn , crowing as they went .Then I lost him for a while until he popped up in the distance and jumped a fence.
We went to B&Q later to get some Summer Bedding for the pots and hanging baskets. Mike needed another step but they did not have any in stock.
On to eat a Burger King before going to see 2001, a space Odyssey at the Cinema.It was 50 years since it was realeased and was shown in it’s original format , unrestored and with ‘ no modern day fancy gimmics or edits’. It’s a long film, 2hrs 29 mins with an intermission ( that does happen in modern films ) .I had only seen it on a tv screen and what a difference to see it large.A slow pace with a classical sound track and great visual effects and ideas , incredible to think this was 50 years ago and not knowing what the future would hold regarding space travel and technology .I really enjoyed it.

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