The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went to a BBQ today. It was an ‘adults only’ event so I was slightly concerned, but thankfully there were no bowls, hot tubs or animal onesies in sight.

I didn’t know many people at the BBQ. The Prince introduced me to his ‘Hot Yoga’* teacher. She had just popped some Linda McCartney burgers on the BBQ and started chatting about why she had chosen to be vegetarian…

HYT: ‘I went to a retreat in Thailand. You know, the ones where they stick a hose up your @rse twice a day. It was brilliant. Not the hose bit. That felt a bit rapey at first, but the cleansing bit’

Me (Euw): ‘Riiiiiiiiiiight’.

‘And after a while, I ended up sh1tting what looked like a plastic bag and that was the build up of red meat and toxins’

Me (double Euw): ‘Riiiiiiiiiiight. By the way, your veggie burgers have gone black’

Hot Yoga Teacher continued whilst munching her charcoal burger, smoking a fag and having a beer…

‘So I wanted to be vegetarian because I don’t want to put all that cr@p in my body’

Well done me for keeping a straight face!


*She teaches yoga in a hot room. Not a comment on either her appearance or temperature.

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