260 Pages

I was delighted to find a note in my mail box at the Post Office today letting me know I had a parcel to collect. I was suprised to find it was the Manual I had ordered to help me understand the wonderful new Sony Camera I had bought myself for my 70th birthday. It had arrived a week earlier than scheduled from Amazon in the US.

I must admit I was amazed to see that it was a 260 page comprehensive guide on the Sony DSC RX10M4, After starting at the beginning, I’m determined to work my way through the book, giving myself challenges along the way. Thankfully the author, Alexander S White seems to take the approach that the person who has purchased the camera knows nothing. It’s such a relief and I believe the investment I’ve made in the manual is going to ensure I have the best opportunity to realise the potential of my new hi-tech marvel.

I can thank rainie for suggesting I purchase it. Flying also mentioned that she has it next to her camera at all times. I reckon if it’s good enough for these two super heroes of mine to have one, then I most certainly need one too. Wish me luck, only 245 pages to go !!!

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