New Moon

It was a beautiful sight. As I was closing up for the night I caught a glimpse of the New Moon looking absolutely glorious in a cloudless sky. Perfect for my blip as I make a commitment to myself to launch myself back into posting on a daily basis as I had done for well over four years.

There’s no doubt about it, when you are faced with the challenges we have had in recent months you just have to prioritise your time and at the end of the day you often find yourself blipless!! I also know that because of the connections I have made through this wonderful website I often feel like I have a limb missing when I’m not connected to my journal. It’s going to be a balancing act and I will give it my best shot to get back on track.

I posted an extra that was taken from the same spot as the main image, this was without the zoom, but I settled on the one that best summed up how I’m feeling as I post.

On a brighter note, my golf partner today, Di and I won our way through to the Blue Mountains District play off. That was exciting and I’m looking forward to representing our club in September.

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