
By CharlotteJ

Dogs and Spuds

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Decided a little evening walk would be nice....on the way out of my drive, I was happily walking off and all of a sudden a dog jumped up my back scratching the backs of my legs...I took a few steps forward as the force of the jump pushed me forward and I realised what had approached me from behind.  The dog kept tying to jump up so I tried to stand still and tried to protect my camera.  The dogs mouth did meet my hand but thankfully she didn't bite me!

The owner, my neighbour,  saw it all happen and not once did she apologise!  she was just laughing that the dog was still a puppy......The dog might be a 'puppy' but its a blinking heavy big puppy that can jump 5ft5!!   She laughingly said 'its because you are going for a walk' which then made the dog jump up at me even more!!  Chris thankfully was with me (trying to calm the dog down) and told her that a comment like that was hardly going to help as clearly the puppy understands the term walk!!  I am a bit cross about it if I am honest.  took me completely by surprise and the claw marks hurt!!   

Anyway, neighbour managed to get her dog under control but only after we told her to go get a collar and lead for it.  

Our walk continued after mopping up a cut that had started to bleed (thank goodness I carry tissues!) and we came across this field that I thought looked pretty with its growing spuds.

Today (the day after it happened) I have red marks down my legs and a nice bruise on my back where I can only image the dogs paws met my back and the force of her pushing me forward.

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