Mayfair Ramble

I have passed this way many times but have to admit I have never actually stopped by the iconic Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner in central London.

So my visit today was a milestone twice over, taking the opportunity to pause in the central area of the famous landmark roundabout which makes up the road system at Hyde Park Corner. But also it was my first visit to the capital for 18 months and my first rail journey to get there from the South Coast for even longer.

Originally the archway was intended as an outer gateway to Buckingham Palace, but to me it was always the centre-piece of this huge one-way traffic system.

So it gave me some joy to be able to view it close up. I never appreciated for example that the huge statue which adorns it is the largest bronze sculpture in Europe, depicting the Angel of Peace.

I am also counting steps I take each day in my daily fitness routine so it was with some satisfaction I discovered my ramble round Mayfair amounted to just a shade under six miles..

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