Update on Simba

Well he did come back again late last night and we persuaded him to come indoors, but it was obvious he wasn't himself and wouldn't eat anything.  So this morning we took him to the vet, who diagnosed an obstruction in his digestive tract (I was right!) and gave him an enema under a general anaesthetic.

Apparently it worked a treat and we collected him this afternoon, with medication to be given to him twice a day starting from tomorrow.  He's still a bit wobbly on his legs, but has managed to eat a small amount of food and is now resting by TJ on the sofa.

He must feel a lot lighter and we certainly do - it cost nearly £80!!  That was one expensive bird dinner:-)

Once again, thank you so much to everyone for your kindness and concern and I'm sure we'll all be hoping he is soon back to normal.

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