No one else riding out today and the school was being used for a lesson so I had to put my brave pants on and hack out on my own. Buddy refused to leave the yard so had to be led off! Then 2 minutes down the road we met a huge tractor and trailer (his all time most scariest thing ever). I ended up having to get off as he would only go backwards. In the woods we met the rangers in a jeep and he did some more of his backwards moves at that but I made them wait and persevered and got him past (they should be on foot anyway not churning up the bridle paths). We made it back to the yard in one piece but then he had another hissy fit at the tractor parked on the yard with its engine turned off. I had a 5 min battle with him over that, but he eventually gave in. I think a lot of it is him being stubborn. But we did manage to open the dodgy gate in both directions so that was a win. He was hot and sweaty after all that so had a wash down and a good roll in the field.

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