Victorian School Day

Toby had a Victorian school day today. When we arrived at school all the desks were in rows and the girls and boys had to sit separately. They all looked so cute! Apparently Mrs Smales was 'very strict' today but no-one got the cane! Parents were invited in to an assembly at the end of the day to find out what they had learnt. Tobes seemed very excited by it all.

Me and Eva spent most of the morning restocking the cupboards, freezer and fridge. It was quite a job as nearly totally empty. Still feeling really tired and a bit grumpy. 

We all went down to the stables to see Lime and poo pick. Toby and Eva played hide and seek in the long grass, but we are still a bit on holiday time so didn't realise how late it had got. Didn't get dinner done till 7pm. They are both overtired and Eva was playing up loads at bedtime. Mike went out on his bike in the rain and I spent most of the evening getting all our holiday pics safely uploaded and sorted into folders. Had a nasty moment when I thought I had lost all my phone pictures but managed to track them down! 

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