and through the wire...

By hesscat

The Water Tower

Ms H had a 6pm haircut tonight so Mrs C and I looked for place for a walk in the sun. I remembered a view from the train across to Dalkeith and this water tower so we had a look around for a view of it. This was the best view we could find from a distance and not close up.

Mrs C's research advised it was a private restaurant owned by the 1994 winner of Masterchef. As I was uploading just now I was keen to see if there were any photos the interior but what a load of gossip I found out!

The chef is really an architect and he restored the tower himself. They also own a lot of the woodland around it. They seem to be in a planning dispute with the next door tennis club over netting that will block their sun rays. They built a lovely timber eco house in front of the tower... you can see the washing hanging out... which fits in around the existing trees that has featured on TV programmes and magazines. There's some issue with a water leak that has been destroying some public steps and closed the path and they are still working out where it is coming from.

Most of this info comes from a blog his wife publishes in great detail... fascinating... I couldn't see any interior photos though :-(

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