and through the wire...

By hesscat


Finally the end of the week comes... for the past two I have been thinking it is the weekend on Thursday and Friday... ach, need to stop that!

Mrs C and I went for a wee walk to see if we could see the Ospreys I mentioned a few weeks ago. They were nesting on an island in a reservoir that has fishing boats and canoeists regularly out and about.  From a fair distance we could see a couple of white heads in the nest at the top of the tree. 

As we watched them from the closest point of the shore, we saw a crow sitting on a branch fairly near to them when suddenly they both took off and began attacking the top of another tree... it wasn't clear what they were attacking but it must obviously be another birds nest, probably a crow's. They must have spent 15 minutes at it before returning to their own... the 2 nests must have been about 20 metres apart!

I should go down there more often... there was so much going on. The extra is them sitting in the nest.

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