The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

Dappled light

My morning started on a high, coming upon a newly born calf in a field next to the road. I stopped to watch the mother licking it clean and then quite roughly with her nose hoiking it to its feet.

Gardening in the afternoon, and unusually my friend didn't appear at the front door to chat. I didn't want to disturb her if she was having a bad day, so worked on for a few hours, glancing up now and again to the window. The curtains remained closed. After I'd packed up I tried the door with sinking heart. It was locked and peeping into the window I saw her empty bed.

Kicking myself for not checking sooner, I asked the neighbours and then drove straight to the macmillan ward at the hospital.

We only spoke briefly. I gave her news of the garden - our favourite topic. I told her I'd got the nasturtium plants in, as we'd planned, and she gave me a thumbs up. Last summer we had a great display. They filled the front bed and made bright trails through the fuchsia behind.

Never liking any fuss she was soon encouraging me to be on my way: 'You've lots to do. Now away and get on.'
I do have lots to do.... but I just came home.

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