Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 84 - Remember Remember the 5th of November

Today we started off in Hamburg in a really lovely hostel with the tiniest shower and toilet I have ever seen in my life. It was very practical though. I have finally now knocked yesterday night's migraine.

We travelled to Bremen as the weather was pretty rubbish in Hamburg. It started to rain lightly when we were busking but nothing to stop us completely we just paused for a moment and continued on. There were a heck of a lot of weirdos lingering, one in particular I was geuniely scared of. The first day I have felt unsafe on the streets. We finished off our busking session before it started to get dark and headed to the hostel for the night. We have stayed here before and we are in exactly the same room so it is nice to be in the same beds in the same space.

This rock was at the reception as we came in and it just sprung out to me as I remembered I had mentioned "Carpe Diem" before in a blip. In many ways the last few weeks or so I feel I have sort of forgotten about it and am finding the tour tough. Seeing this little rock made me realise that I need to continue on with this thought in my head.

We had an interesting dirty laundry meeting tonight where at the end of it Riv asked all of us to say one nice thing about each other, sort of go round cheesily in a circle.

These were the comments made by each member of the band (And Chris our roadie) about me:

Andy: Jen is chilled, easy to be around and a good dyke!

Dec: Easy to be around, very similar to Dec in many ways and very passionate - which sometimes boils over... (Too True!)

Chris: Didn't talk individually about all of us but said he was having fun and didn't feel like we was an outsider outwith the band.

Rivkah: Supportive team player, great violinist with a great heavy present tone, fun to be around.

Jai: Awesome laugh, have the right mix of intelligence, fun and softness, passionate gel with music. My default setting is always happy.

Amy: Said thank you for looking out for her.

Tibi: Honest.

All of these comments made me well up. I suppose living in such close quarters with 7 other people can be tough and we have our moments but deep down we are all musicians here to gel together to have a great time and create some great sounds.

Every man dies.  Not every man really lives. 

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