
By Sh0naSm1th


I could have done a fireworks blip today, as I went with a few friends for a curry and then to the Perth fireworks tonight. But my (iPhone) photos weren't very good as I forgot my 'proper' camera.

The last time I saw 'proper' fireworks was one year ago tonight. We were flying back from Rome, where we'd been on Honeymoon, and I remember, as we flew in over Glasgow, looking down and seeing a great view of fireworks all over the city. Little did I know what would have changed a year later.

So I took this photo near the house this morning. I'm quite into these horizontal landscape shots at the moment, amn't I?!

I also had 4m3 of logs arriving this afternoon and my friend from along the road was great and stayed to help me stack them away. Still got a wee bit to put away. Hopefully tomorrow will stay dry despite the forecast. I might get more done if I prise myself away from the TV before I get sucked into US election results!

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