
By biddy

Evening walk after a hot day.

It was just too warm this afternoon after lunch to go for our couple of miles circular walk. I sat in the summerhouse and promptly fell fast asleep! Hubby was reading the  Economist and then doing the Times Jumbo crossword. The latter exercises his brain each week as it appears in the Saturday edition. 
It usually takes a week to even complete about two thirds! 
I make a contribution on the basis of looking at the missing letters in a clue, then guessing at the word, or phrase if it is a 4 word clue. 
My longest correct guess this afternoon was "Call a Spade a Spade"! 
Anyway, I digress. 
After tea we decided to go for the walk, but make it a shorter circuit. A beautiful evening with hardly a  breath of wind and still warm. No cardigans or sweatshirts necessary. T-shirts and shorts in hubby's case! 
As I write this the windows and back door are open, and the back patio paving slabs warm under foot. 
It does not go dark till after 10.00 pm. 
 I took the photo about halfway round, as I loved the way  the light was shining through leaves. The sunshine was still strong even at 7.00pm. 
I do not know how long this lovely spell of summer-like weather will last, so it is always best to make the most of it when it is here. 



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