The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

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Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Another night out. This time with The Explorer and 3 of her friends.

David, a colleague of The Explorer, was telling us about a trip to Amsterdam. He was in a bar and naturally after a few pints, he needed the toilet and went through the ‘Men Only’ door. He was feeling quite irate as it was very dark in the corridor. He popped on the torch on his phone and it illuminated a room which was clearly intended for willy activities other than peeing.

Thankfully for him, it was not occupied at the time and he bolted but we were all crying with laughter at his naivety.

The Explorer and David are radiographers. He was recently at a conference which was raising awareness about highlighting lesser known risks for people undergoing radiotherapy. One of the speakers felt that it should be mentioned to patients that due to the skin reactions caused by this treatment. piercing the skin with barbed wire for people practising BDSM carries health risks.

BARBED WIRE? WTF? Pretty sure that should be ‘mentioned’ to anyone who decided to experiment in this way. I think I will write to B&Q to suggest that they put up an appropriate warning in the barbed wire section.


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