Look At That!

Vegan Jo's husband came round to cut my lilac down today. It had grown way too big, too tall, and was covering a lot of my neighbours garden and mine too! He didn't mind - he is growing a nice patch of brambles in his! I never see him nor hear him and only occasionally hear Lucy barking. I don't think Matt realised how much I wanted it taking back and said he had not brought the shredding machine as it would fit in his car. Fat chance! He had to go back for it! More lovely stuff for my compost heaps! Whilst he was shredding I tried sawing the thick branches for firewood. Again - fat chance!  Who knew how solid lilac was! So he said he would take it home and use his chain saw on it! His payment for all this was my Massive Attack ticket at The Eden Project! I bought it last year expecting to be fine when it came round - well I'm better but still not fine and the drive, the crowd and the music would be way too much for me to handle - shame.
Later in the afternoon I went into my front room to see how much light I now had streaming in - well guess what I saw on the bird feeder! It's not a great photo but it's the first time I've ever seen a squirrel in my garden and the first time I've ever taken a photo of one!  Even more surprising was the magnificent Jay that flew onto it later that eve as I was siting in the front room! Funnily enough I had seen one only early that morning when I looked out my attic window - it was perched on the rooftop diagonal to me. Never seen one of them in the village before - and could not believe I then had one on my bird feeder! I should have cut back that lilac a long time ago! Worth the lack of flowers for next year and possibly the year after that to see all this glorious wildlife! 

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