Craignethan Castle

For a day out we went West, avoiding the damp weather, to visit Craignethan Castle, now a Scheduled Ancient Monument in the care of Historic Scotland.

Built by Sir James Hamilton of Finnart, illegitimate son of James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Arran, as a fortified Tower House in the 1530's, the house is of untypical design, the main accommodation and private room being on the ground, instead of the first, floor. Another unusual feature is a caponier, a stone-vaulted gallery with gunloops either side, defending a deep ditch west of the inner courtyard (extra photo). 

The castle has a chequered history in the care of various generations of Hamiltons, the property being lost and regained several times according to their allegiances; there are associations with Mary, Queen of Scots who visited sometime around 1568.

In 1659 the castle was sold to Andrew Hay, who build a fine house in the outer courtyard, in 1730 sold to Archibald Douglas, Duke of Douglas, in 1949 given into state care.

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