Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Ali cat

Today I left the house very early (getting a feel for what commuting to work will be like) to head to the station. I was on an early train down home to help out Mum in preparation for a sale she's having. Every item in the shop needed taken off the shelf, cleaned, and redisplayed on the correctly priced shelf. A mammoth undertaking but starting with simple things, we soon got under way. A tea break was needed to regroup and formulate a plan on how to begin the task of the shelves. There was no other option but to clear the shelves in to correctly priced boxes, clean and then replace on a priced shelf. We ended up taking the fiddly task of stud earrings home with us to work on in the evening.

Before bed I wandered around the house looking for a blip, in the bathroom I found an always reliable blip option, a cat curled up on the bathmat. I was lucky to catch her washing herself.

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