Autumn Morning

Yay to a bit of Autumn sun this morning - it more than makes up for it being absloutely freezing and the car taking about twenty minutes to thaw out!
I am currently sat on the sofa completely unable to move my head. My neck has siezed up completely and is killing me.
Perhaps Zumba followed by a day of housework and rounded off with pilates was a bit too much for my poor body yesterday and now I'm in agony!
I had that awful drive this morning where you have to turn your entire body to try and see if there are any cars coming as you pull out from junctions. Scary!
Another half hour and I can top up the painkillers.
Poor Miss L is in for a boring day - she's currently lining up soft toys on the sofa getting ready to read Slinky Malinki to them!
Ordinarily I wait until later in the day to Blip so that I can write about the whole day. You know, just in case I win the lottery or Daniel Craig comes to call in the afternoon.....
But today I can just predict it: sofa, painkillers, children's TV, children's books, painkillers, dinner, bath, painkillers and bed.

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