
This is my plan for losing weight.
Nothing but a tomato a day.
Should work a treat!
I'm tired tonight. Wednesday is my busy long day and I'm quite ready for a couple of episodes of Homeland (Mr K and I are late to the party and are halfway through Season one) and then bed.
I left the house at 8.30am this morning, dropped Miss E off at school, left school, went back to school because halfway down the drive Miss L told me she needed the loo, went to get petrol, drove to Mrs C's and had a lovely few hours drinking tea and having a good old chat and moan.
Then it was to Miss L's swimming - preceded, of course, by my McDonalds cup of tea. Progress today:
"Just a tea please"
"Just a tea? Next window please"
Swimming was awful. Miss L woke from her sleep crying and whining and never snapped out of it. For the first time ever I got out halfway through - she was so miserable and clingy there was no point staying. A lot of bloody effort for a cup of tea from McDonalds.....
Then it was to Tescos cafe for something to eat - never let it be said I don't live the high life, before heading back to school to get Miss E from after school club. I have to go late as they are in the ITC suite and God help me if I get there too early!!
Then it was home to a massage and a soak in the hot tub drinking champagne and eating strawberries dipped in chocolate.
Oh no wait, it was home to squabbling children and all the fun of bedtime.
My neck is still painful but nowhere near as bad as it was yesterday. Sitting up in bed watching the election results last night didn't really help!
But yay to the result!!
Mr K's just bought my tomato in to me - mixed into a tuna salad on a baked potato in case you're worried about my eating habits!!!! - and Homeland beckons......

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