Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Wellard Hat

Adam is a great lad with a very good sense of humour. He has been through the seriously dark and meaningful Goth phase. Recently he attended a Yomp with about 250 former Royal Marines in order to keep his brother Luke company. Luke wishes to become a Royal Marine. Adam on the other hand wants to become a Para. Consequently he took heaps of abuse and ribaldry, he did so in his stride so was awarded a bottle of red wine and given a standing ovation for being a bon oeuf.

His tutors at college declared that all the lads on the mechanics course had to wear hard hats. Big grins all round, Adam was puzzled and a bit put out until they produced this one especially shaped for him. He has had his legs pulled unmercifully but remains a smiling character with a really strong attitude and will.

Anybody who can wander around a small village with his hair in this cut and be liked by all must be OK. Good on him.

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