Otter hunting

We went out to look for otters today, despite the arrival of storm Hector. We saw a white tailed eagle, a buzzard hovering like a kestrel, a red throated diver and a skua, along with gulls and some small birds. These were mostly identified by our excellent RSPB guide, who appears in one of my Extras. But not an otter nor seal was in sight. In the middle of the walk, a helicopter flew over, and we later discovered that it was on its way to assist at the place where another helicopter had ditched, just a couple of miles from where we are staying. Very sad; :(.
We decided to skip tonight's corncrake walk - almost certainly there would be no corncrakes out and about in the wind and rain.  Tomorrow we head through Benbecula and South Uist to Eriskay, where we're staying for the rest of our holiday.  

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