Snow on St Paul's

Snow, snow, snow, snow, snow... Brilliant!

Whisky woke us up regularly throughout the night to express his wonder at the white stuff with a 'Miaow?!!?' Shortly after breakfast it was clear that getting to work was going to be a challenge. My mobile was pinging with messages from colleagues caught in the snow, the news said that all London buses were suspended (eh?!) and the national rail system had ground to a halt in South London. Hmm.

Not one to be deterred by a foot of snow, I donned waterproofs and walking boots, and headed out into the snow to walk the 6 miles to work. Why? Well, I've only 10 days left of being employed and I wasn't going to let the snow keep me from completing the books I want to finish before I leave. It has to be said that if I hadn't been made redundant, I think I would have stayed at home and not felt so determined to go to the office. As it was, I had great fun seeing the smiles on the faces of Londoners as I passed them grinning and jumping into snow drifts. I've never seen so many snowmen being manufactured, or snowball fights in progress - both adults and kids equally in the snow-fun. There were skiers in Brockwell Park, and even a skier in Covent Garden!

At work, only a handful of staff had braved the journey. Among them were three of us redundantees, We looked at each other, shrugged, then smiled.

More London in snow here.

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