The unwelcome lodgers!!

I posted a blip the other day showing a collection of baby plants that had taken up residence in one of the garden pots. I was pleased to see them and have potted them on.

I certainly wasn’t pleased to see these unwanted lodgers (woodworm) in a dropleaf coffee table that I restored for R a number of years ago. It has been stored in an attic (not ours I’m relieved to say) and when recently rescued found to have ‘lodgers’ which were certainly not invited.

I got some ‘stuff’, syringes and blunt ended needles off the internet and have injected the holes to remove / kill off the destructive creatures!!!

I did try to buy the product locally but with no success ended up on the net!!

It has lifted the veneer a little, not sure if it will flatten as it dries out or if I will have to do more work than planned, before filling the holes and repolishing it.

After my day of sitting and waiting yesterday, I have spent today in the potting shed painting wooden drawers (don’t ask...further info tomorrow) and working in the garden.

I ache like mad and need a rest before making dinner. A glass or two of wine will ease the discomfort.

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