Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Friday — 8th Day of Summer Vacation

We stopped by our former residence late this afternoon to see how the “Moving/Estate Sale” has gone today. The workers were all gone. There are less things in the house than yesterday.

I admit that I am fascinated by the displays that the workers have organized. Clothing is a little difficult to display. I’ve left lots and lots of nice clothing, but I think displaying it so it will be seen is a challenge.

Back here at the house that we have moved into— I am slowly getting organized. The kitchen is unpacked and put away. My home office is overflowing with paper, files, books, and supplies. It is not anywhere near being organized. So gradually it is happening.

My clothing and shoes, even though I left lots at the other house, are in two different closets and in plastic tubs and cloth bags, but slowly I am getting my things placed where they belong.

Moving is a huge marathon!
That’s it for this Friday.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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