Running Costs

The feelings of frustration, not knowing what to do next and no daily order came to a head today.
A quick coffee, shower and shave before heading off to the Royal Naval Association Committee Meeting and as soon as that was finished back into the car and up to Torpoint to help Manolo, my son-in-law with his ongoing water pump problem.
Two hours in Torpoint looking at the pimp before heading round to Sarah and Manolo's for coffee and a chance to catch up with Luis and Anais. Luis was heading out to start his new job but I gained immense pleasure and satisfaction helping Anais with her homework. She had to read Wilfred Owen's "Exposure" and come up with fifteen questions on its structure, content, style etc. I quite like the war poets, their work can be dark but at the same time uplifting, Exposure tells of the fear of waiting rather than the event itself.

Home for dinner which was ok but the fruit salad made by Clare was absolutely delicious.

Today's photo illustrates the continued interest in my proposed garden bar, Sams offered addition looks good but is unlikely to last if left outside.

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