The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Let The Games Begin

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had a loooong meeting at the end of the working day and we couldn’t be @rsed.

Someone was blethering on about needing another meeting with a colleague and asked the question ‘shall we get a room?’.

‘Ooh, that’s a bit forward’, I whispered to Rod.

That set both of us off on a completely unexpected giggling fit. I have never had one that badly in a meeting. Both of us were shaking and I could feel myself breaking into a sweat with the effort of containing it. I actually though I was going to have to leave. I am going to take a pair of compasses into meetings from now on so I can stab myself in the leg if it happens again.

After the meeting, we had a ‘bonding’ team games night in the office. I had high hopes that it would be a Hunger Games scenario and it would be the perfect way to vent any residual work frustrations, but apparently it’s not ok to hunt down your colleagues down for recreation. Instead, we were spending a few hours in the games room at work which has a pool table, table football and table tennis. It was also not a case of ‘have a game if you fancy’. It was an ORGANISED competition with a chart of who was playing. I am SPECTACULARLY bad at these kind of things. I also find it stressful if other people start watching me which makes it even worse.

Thankfully (and unsurprisingly), I was knocked out of the competition fairly quickly and I could just chat and drink beer. We went to the pub afterwards and ended up going to Sneaky Pete’s* in the Cowgate for a last beer. It was a surprisingly good night. There’s still a bit of ‘them and us’ post-merger. Beer helps to break down those barriers!


*In case you are wondering, it’s still a dump!

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