Burning Winds

A windy day, but there has been plenty of sunny spells too.  The odd shower, and when it's rained, it's been heavy.

A day working on the museum desk.  No cruise ships in, but a busy day of visitors.  A quick bite to eat, and headed down for my shift in the pub.  World Cup is on, and a steady flow of punters.  Walkies with Sammy around Scalloway, avoiding any showers, and then feet up for the night. 

We sure are paying for that nice spell of weather we got, and put back in our place.  Gales picking up tonight, but hopefully fall away again tomorrow.  It almost feels like autumn with the leaves on the ground.  Trees have been battered, flowers too and everything with a dark burned look to it.  This rhubarb is struggling against the stiff breeze.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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