Down in the Tube Station at Midnight... Wooaahhhh

Not the tube station and not midnight. 

allotment and it was 10pm when we got up there, and 1045 when we left.  Oh how we laughed. 

After a 11 hour day at work, and then the stress of a World Cup match, watched by three of the family on THREE continents, all voicing the same concerns, I had to get out for a while.  The Allotment, being the happy, quiet place it is was the place to be. 

However, as we left and as Himself locked up after us, I started pointing the camera into dark holes, and then panicked myself because I thought what if I point and shoot and then see scary eyes????

I backed into himself, and feeling braver did it, and then basically had to hard shoulder him back to the car - where I scared myself again when a leaf blew against the car. 

me and the dark and my imagination.  What a mix.  This is why I had hide and seek incontinence.

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