Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

They Were Chasing ME!!!

I went to one of my local ponds, where I love to see the ducks...but these devils decided to come at me in full force! Okay, I retreated 10 steps to the left and went around them...wasn't up to a fight:))

At the pond I did see some Buffleheads....they thought it was naptime, although they managed to paddle away, heads still tucked under their wings! Geez, do they have eyes in the backs of their heads????

Then after returning home, I finally got a couple shots of the Pied-bill Grebe who's been hanging out in the back pond (hiding quite well among the reeds). As soon as he saw me, he headed in the opposite direction. Nice to have such an affect on the wildlife, ha!!!!

To see some of my other shot, visit my FLICKR PAGE!

The rest of my night will be sitting in front of the TV watching the election returns and hoping for the best:))) No matter what, we have to live with the results, and I hope we can try to come together!!!

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