The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Quick Fix

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

‘Oh dear’ was my first thought of the day followed by ‘Oh f***’ and then by ‘Oh god, I can’t even insist that It’s my turn for a long lie because it’s tw@tting Father’s Day’.

So I got up, had a cup of tea and headed up Blackford Hill with Murphy. He is like a miracle cure for hangovers. Within 10 minutes, I felt fine. We had a lovely long walk and ended up being out for a couple of hours.

The Prince was delighted with his cards and presents from The Mini Princesses. We had a lazy morning and then went to see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom because I The Prince wanted to see it. It was an easy switch off film with a couple of jumpy moments to make sure I stayed awake.

I popped out to see Victor for a cuppa later in the afternoon. I reflected that I am very lucky to have the Father that I have. He is a man of few words but a very big heart.

The Normals has a lovely treat evening curled up with pizza, chocolate and Arrested Development. I love Sundays.


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