Double Shot Mummy


Sleeping and Not Sleeping

Last night was one of those nights where sleep didn't feature for me and Oscar (And possibly Stuart, I will have to ask him). Bailee slept soundly and Maple for the second time ever, only woke once at 4am!

On the other hand, Oscar was awake with a fever. He cried on and off. I think he is not used to self settling without his dummy. He couldn't to go back to sleep even with me lying there beside him for an hour or so. He did eventually drift off, thank goodness.

Here is a picture of Maple on the sun lounger at the beach. For obvious reasons, Oscar had a scratchy morning. I ended up taking the twins and Maple back to have their nap as Oscar was so tired but to my surprise that nap (For Oscar and Bailee) did not happen! Instead an hour of noisy and destructive play commenced in their bedroom. All clothes were pulled out of drawers and every toy lay on the floor!

I think tomorrow we are going to implement 'Quiet Rest Time' instead of napping. I was dreading this day, but I think we can turn it into a positive :-)

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