Double Shot Mummy


Fun with Daddy

We had a productive day today. All washing was hung out and the supermarket shop with all three children (And the help of Emily) was done by 10am! The twins needed an early sleep so Emily and I took Maple to the beach to chill!

That hour or so on the sun lounger was restful and almost necessary! Maple had her own lounger but NEEDED feeding and cuddles with me :-) Emily and I managed to have a good chat and gossip, it was very quiet without the twins!

In the end Stu brought Oscar and Bailee down and they had loads of fun making a 'Gordon' and 'Gordon's Tender' sandcastle. They also played with another little girl from Lebanon and were given two pink balloons (Of course there were tears when one flew away). I love this photo as it shows Bailee running back from the sea with her bucket of water to help with the sand modelling.

That evening Regina babysat and Stu, Emily, Maple and I went to Dubai Mall for dinner and dessert. We showed Emily the delights of the Kiwi chain, Burgerfuel and indulged in some incredibly chocolatey treats.

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