Stones and Bars

Co codamol not as effective at pain relief as I might have wished but there  you go. Can't have it all. Wittered the morning away. I had had a mission in mind but forgotten what it was.

Did watch the Portugal vs Morocco match and was very impressed by the Moroccan performance. They really did deserve to score a goal but didn't have a finishing striker.

Mid afternoon, decided to buck my ideas up and go out with Basil for a walk. We went to Nanpantan Reservoir which we hadn't visited since February. The dog waste bins had been removed which meant I had to carry Basil's poo in my pocket. The reeds have grown fiercely. The grass has been strimmed back recently but is overgrowing the banks of the Woodside Brook. 

Ducks, including Mandarin ducks, dragonflies, water lilies - so much there to see. But today I wanted to try out techniques of multiple exposure in camera seeing as I've invested in the bundle of videos released by Doug Chinnery and Valda Bailey to demonstrate their techniques.

Today's blip is a vast improvement on what I've done in the past when I didn't really know what I was doing. Dark blend mode. Shots of stones in a wall and bars in railings using portrait and landscape view plus some alterations of white balance for a couple of the shots. It pleased me when I saw it.

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