Little girls grow up

Today was T.'s last day at school.
This school was for 13 years her second family and a very special learning place for special children.
There was a beautiful and emotional graduation for her and 13 other young adults, who will make their way into life. 
Every single one got a laudatio (see second extra) to show their uniques and potencies. There were also shown photos over their time in school. 
Have a look at the first extra. It shows T.'s first day at school. :-))
And now she is a young adult lady...
The celebration ended with this song from Marc Forster:

Don't care what is coming it will be good anyway…
A strange little life running on narrow roads
I search the middle but my luck lies mostly off the grid.
So rare fly rocket, am rather a train running late,
but the harvest always comes.
Man! It's well down and I got no stress waiting
Even going through bad times
I'm patient and take the Finish with my best cards.
And falls the jenga tower dont care.
A new plan than, life is the change. 

Don't care what is coming it will be good anyway
always open a new door open, somewhere
Although I am not just running as usual
Don't care, it's okay, anyway. 

Travel is colourfully crazy. Sometimes it's loud or quiet.
The biceps is growing from the steering wheel-turning
Not often useful planning I’m more type of third reminder
But always save, thank for the camouflage.
I appreciate companions, even if everything has its time
Times for 11 friends, but also "One on One" -karate-fighter
And strikes the sending tone, memories always stay.
Better a new plan then, in view to the front there is relief.

Don't care what is coming it will be good anyway…

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