Bad Salzuflen

I’ve been trying to work out for ages what this things is.  I’ve also been wondering why there are so many old folk wandering around.  The two, it appears, are connected.  

We’re staying in the town of Bad Salzuflen.  It’s a spa town - people come for the water - salt water.  

From what I’ve learned so far, the walls of this structure are filled with bundles of Blackthorn.  Natural salt water is added at the top and as it filters down, the salinity increases and impurities are removed.  The water is collected at the bottom and is piped to a facility where people can go and inhale the salty air.  It’s particularly good for those with respiratory problems.

The technique of passing the local salt water through the bundles of wood to increase the salinity have been practiced since the 17th century.  Impurities in the water, such as lime or gypsum, eventually turn the wood into Thorn-stone with a distinctive brown colour.

Tonight’s gig is in the town; I expect the age of the audience to be significantly older than usual.

Extra is a random dog photo taken through a cafe window.  For those uninterested in the treatment of saltwater.  

Other extras: close-up of dripping water and uninterested local cycling past.

The empty seats around the structure suggests that watching water turn to stone is not a real audience grabber.

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