
By Madchickenwoman

Jay Watching

It's turned into my latest obsession! I was delighted to find the visit of the Jay was not a one off - it visits several times a day morning, afternoon and evening! Given that the front garden is by the main road in and out of Calstock I really didn't expect to ever see such a bird on my feeder.Jays like woodland and are shy. Well there are trees opposite me and of course nearby woodland but even so! I thought the pairs of wood pigeons, collared doves and Jackdaws were the only big birds I was ever going to see! 
The frustrating thing has been trying to get a photograph of it! It comes, feasts quickly and then flies up into the trees. Given that I am shooting though glass and the food tray moves it has been quite a task! As I was having another restful day as my right hip is playing up, ( not sure if thats too much digging, the osteoporosis yoga exercises, an age thing or all 3!!) I set up my camera on the tripod, sat down with my knitting and waited! I think this is the best I'm ever going to get - now I can just relax and admire it when it visits! I love the markings round it's eye - and of course those turquoise feathers. Apparently it is a very intelligent bird and loves acorns, it will hoard and store them for winter. It's Latin name is Garrulus Glandarius - the former speaks for itself and the latter means "of acorns"!
Despite all my watching I have not seen the squirrel again - maybe  it's an early morning visitor. 

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