
By LmiriamC

Solstice - back-blip because I fell asleep...

Salem and I started our longest day of the year at the dog park - the dog pictured is very large and he loped all over that little beach in a friendly, dopey way. As I was admiring this big lug, a medium sized black lab-mix pinched a plastic bag full of treats which was peeking out of the pocket of one of the humans playing with her dog. 

Then the dog proceeded to play keep-away from the humans who were worried that she would swallow the plastic bag. So she tore across the sand, in and out of the water, slowly but surely eating more and more of the bag full of treats (including bag). This dog was at the park with a handler, not her owner. Anyway, finally one of the male dog walkers managed to grab the dog and pried open her snout just in time - one more second and she would have swallowed the treats, bag and all, and would have then needed to go to the vet (I assume, given how frantically they were trying to get it away from her). 

It sure looked like the guy was nursing his left hand a bit after this incident and he may have gotten a puncture or two but he shrugged it off in a very nonchalant way (but I could tell it hurt!). 

Whiled away the rest of the day reading and drawing in my art journal. Also went to a book store with my neighbor to see if we could sell any of our books. I took a stack of a dozen books but they only wanted three of them so I didn't get much money back but it's enough for a book or a few cards.

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