Bloody van!

Van ran sweet then we crossed the Skye bridge and I could see smoke coming from the back. Thought at first the damn thing was on fire then I could feel the engine rythem change and start to die on the only straight fast bit on the entire bloody island. Managed to cross the road to a gate opening. Nothing would persuade the frigging thing to catch. Do I have roadside assistance!! Do I chook. Anyhow I remembered the bank do cover. When I phoned the AA the poor bugger had never heard of Skye but he did get the bank cover to come and pick us up. This brand new recovery lorry arrived after twenty minutes during which I had to climb a gate and fence to go for a pee!!!. Recovery took us back to Kyle and they tried in vain to resucitate the beast but gave up as by this time it was half five. I knew we wouldn't make the ferry so phoned uig to cancel. The lad in the Calmac office sounded like he was having a far worse day than me but explained there was an extra ferry this evening at 11pm. Thanking God in his heaven but still wondering how I was going to get husband, two dogs and a shedload of house stuff to Uig! The garage boss then suggested we could borrow their run around. Ok it was a clapped out Vauxhall vectra but it could have been a horse and cart for all I care. Poor Donald had to unload the bloody van and pack as much as possible into the rust bucket car plus dogs. We then set off for uig, by now three hours EARLY ( never been early for a ferry in my life). We parked up to go for food. In the bar Donald decided to go back to the car for phone charger only to discover bloody Abbiedog had found and was almost finished eating a pound of butter!. Back in bar now eating a massive steak and Abbiedog better not find any more food to scoff as she will have the skitters at this rate. Hope to be home in my house by 2am good willing!!!

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